Five on Friday
Hello friends – I did it two weeks in a row…If you’re reading this thank you for coming back to my “Five on Friday” post.
1. School holidays are keeping me busy during the day ~ my most productive office hours are currently 8.00pm – 11pm 🙂 The joys of running a home based business, but the upside is I get to spend the days with the boys (although I’m surely going to need a good nanna nap when they go back to school)
2. This week we saw The Croods. I love kids movies. Although that’s all I seem to watch these days. In a past life (before kids) my husband and I went to the movies every other week and saw grown up movies, but that seems like a lifetime ago. Although I must admit there’s I’m looking forward to a few of the new animated ones coming out soon. Despicable me 2 had the boys in fits of giggles (and that was just the preview). I secretly had a chuckle too.
3. We planted some herbs this week and thought I’d also plant some baby spinach. We came out the next morning to discover it gone! So bought another punnet to plant only to see the same thing the next morning … it was gone. Something has eaten it (nothing at all left). At first I thought it maybe our dog but I really don’t think it was him. What else would eat it away so quickly? Maybe a neighbour hood cat or possum? Nothing else was touched just the spinach. Needless to say I think we’ll be buying our spinach from the shop 🙂
4. Boston….such a wonderful event turned sour by just one or a few evil people. My heart goes out to all hurt as a result of the senseless attack. But on the flip side, as with every tragedy, it’s nice to see that heroes do exist, risking their own safety to help others in need.
5. A family first – we visited Monarto Zoo. We’ve never been and the boys have been wanting to go for a while so we took a drive and took our own little monkeys on a mini family safari.