Five on Friday ~ Adelaide Photographer ~ Melissa Alagich Photography

GAH… did it get to Friday AGAIN  so quickly? 🙂

I hope you’ve all had a super week and for those of you in SA, back to normal….school holidays over.

1. My little bro (but not so little) is in Florence, Italy competing in the Multistars Trofeo Zerneri Acciai meeting on 2-3 May which kicks off the 2013 IAAF Combined Events Challenge series. We wish him all the very best and hope he achieves beyond his dreams. It sounds very glamorous but decathlon is anything but glamorous. Competing in ten athletic events over two days is a challenge in itself let alone all the gruelling hours and hours of training that go into perfect ten separate events. Wishing Jarrod and fellow compatriot Stephen Cain all the best…..if you are interested to read a little more click here

2. My baby is officially no longer a baby…..the Dummy has gone…..thrown away to the rubbish man – but he IS still my baby 🙂

3. One of my all time favourite quotes: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” ~ Helen Keller

4. Food, food, food…..plays a big part in our lives….I’ve always had a huge interest in food, not just because I love cooking and eating, but because I think it’s so important to educate our children and ourselves on good healthy living (and knowing that wonderful fresh food can taste so much better than alot of the fast easy fixes. Not to mention it doesn’t always have to take that much extra effort)

5. So some of you may have seen this image from facebook this week…..but just to let you know… this is what my children do when I ask for a photo … they hear photo and translate to wrestle 😉