Hope, Faith and Miracles ~ Newborn photographer Adelaide

Every baby that is created and enters this world safely truly is a miracle. But some more so than others. I meet this little man and his parents last month and their story has made me truly appreciate how lucky we are to be parents. For some it’s not such an easy road. It can be a clinical, emotional, mentally and physically draining time for couples desperate to have a child. In many cases this can be years of trying and still be told the chance of having a baby was very slim.

However, there is hope. Lisa has shared her wonderful story of infertility…..and, thankfully, it has a gorgeous happy ending. Please head on over to She Shopped blog to read Lisa’s story – it’s a great read. http://www.sheshopped.com.au/blog/item/when-all-infertility-leaves-you-with-is-hope 

Always believe there is HOPE for miracles do happen.

Lisa has made it her personal and professional business to walk along side couples experiencing this road. Her business Eshé Counselling is hosting a workshop perfect for couples on a similar journey. For more information contact:

And what a gorgeous product of hope, faith and miracles……

newborn photographer adelaide hope

miracle baby