Photo a day ~ January 12, 2013

{Personal project for the month of January ~ documenting the ones I love with a photo a day for the entire month of January}


Sorry – a bit late posting 🙂

January 12 – Project ‘paint the cubby house’

The boys were having one of those days trying to drive mum nuts 🙂 So while dad was at training I thought I would get them started on painting the cubby house.

They were great and very enthusiastic ~ however, as you can imagine the 2 year old was almost a little TOO helpful. So we just managed the one side for the morning and then completed the rest when dad was home and 2 year old asleep.

The two older boys were awesome. They did a great job, helped each other out and stuck it out right to the end. Now just another 1 or two coats plus a splash of colour to go 🙂
