{Personal project for the month of January ~ documenting the ones I love with a photo a day for the entire month of January}
A bit of football (aka soccer) juggling on the streets 🙂
It’s surprising I haven’t had one of these shots up earlier. Earlier in the month the boys were out the front just about every day with their dad (while he was on holidays) kicking the ball around, goals and games set up on the street, juggling etc…(and yes it’s safe we have a dead end street – and I think most of the neighbours come to expect the boys on the road). Remember those days when children played on the street (“way back in the day when I was young”……now I’m sounding old)
I think I can juggle about three in a row….Ethan’s record is 172 in a row…..not a bad effort huh? (well i think so anyway)
M 🙂